Sonia Burgos Larrea has seven dogs. She feeds them, she takes care of them, makes sure they don't have flees and gets medication for them if necessary. You could call her the advocat of the street dogs of Pimentel.

I saw this poor creature at the side of the road. It looked terribly beaten and thin as a stick. There were patches of flesh where there should be fur. I could literally feel the pain it was in. So I called a vet and asked what he could do. There was nothing really... except putting it to sleep. In that moment I decided that I wanted to help the street dogs of Pimentel lead a better life. I talked to vets andcollected signatures, but when I filed a petition at the municipality in favor of the dogs, the papers disappeared and I had to file a new request. It's still a long way, but the situation has improved a lot.

We meet Sonia and her granddaughter Romina in front of her house. One of her dogs lies at the curb. He raises his head in curiosity, before he goes back to sleep.

